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Sourdough Culture



  • Glass or plastic container with loose cover
  • Digital kitchen scale
  • Wooden spoon
  • Large glass bowl




INGREDIENTS: (All measurements are by weight except TBS and tsp.)


  • 4 oz whole wheat flour
  • 4 oz bottled water, lukewarm

FEED (5 to 7 DAYS):

  • 16 to 28 oz all purpose flour
  • 16 oz to 28 oz bottled water, lukewarm



      STEP 1:

      Combine 4 oz whole wheat flour and water in a glass container or food grade plastic container. Stir thoroughly to incorporate air into the mixture and make sure water and flour are completely mixed. Cover loosely.

      STEP 2:

      Leave for 24 hours at warm temperature. At this point you might see some bubbles which is indicative of the growth of microorganisms in the mixture.

      STEP 3:

      Discard half of the mixture. Feed 4 oz all purpose flour and 4 oz water. Stir vigorously, cover loosely and let stand for 24 hours.

      STEP 4:

      Repeat the process for another 3 to 5 days. When a lot of bubbles are breaking the surface, the starter is already active.

      STEP 5:

      Take the amount needed for baking, no more than one half of the mixture. Feed the other half of the mixture with 4 oz all purpose flour and 4 oz water. Let stand for several hours at room temperature, then refrigerate.

      STEP 6:

      Feed regularly once a week following the feeding procedure. Take it out from the refrigerator overnight before baking. Then feed the remaining half, let stand for several hours at room temperature and refrigerate.


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